Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Christmas Watchathon 2024: The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

    The Muppets Christmas Carol! I've gotten recommendations for the soundtrack from two friends, and I figured it was worth watching again!! I have such a warmth for The Muppets in my heart. I watched this one with just Dirk! 

If I had one critique, I definitely think the interjections of Gonzo and Rizzo were a little too plentiful in spots, not that they weren't enjoyable overall. The music was indeed lovely, my favorite track being Marley & Marley. However, the overall highlight of this movie was no doubt the original designs for the three spirits! Me and Dirk were expecting them to be played by the typical cast, but they were soo much more effective as unique characters. Spirit of C. Past was particularly fantastical looking. 

The solemn story of a Christmas Carol mixes bizarrely with the over-the-top Muppet shenanigans but it can still get you going! The Muppets have always understood how to evoke heart.  



Honestly, Muppets aside this was just a good Christmas Carol adaptation. Michael Caine is a wonderful Scrooge, and he plays it all completely straight! You can't help but feel bad for the wretched bitch... I guess you can't give the movie credit for this, but I especially love his classic literature dialogue;simple desires and simple whims. He may be grumpy and rotten but he loves seeing joyful stuff and hates seeing sad stuff.

Entry #2 of my Christmas Watchathon

The Muppet Christmas Carol: 3.5/5


 Arthur Christmas
Love Actually
A Year Without Santa Claus
The Muppet Christmas Carol
It's a Wonderful Life
Black Christmas
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation


  1. I really. Really love this movie i barely remember anything from it but it was like life changing for sure

    1. It's so fun! I was personally a subscriber to the Disney Christmas Carol w/ Scrooge Duck when I was little
